£85 - For Cow share
£40 - One Patient
£10-Feed the Fasting
£100 - Flood Relief
£150 - This water well will serve 30 people and animals of the households
£80 - Give a wheelchair to a disabled and needy person
£100 - Provide a widow with basic business start-up stock
£30 - Pays for the support and maintenance of an orphan child for a month
£25 - Feed an entire family for a fortnight
£10 - Provide nutritious fruit
£150 - (One Musalli) Space for one person
£5 - Fidya for one fast
£100 - For a girl
£10 One month educational cost for a student
£50 - per month can cover vocational training costs of young person
£4 - One Person
£150 - This water well will serve 30 people and animals of the households