Our Work

Global water crisis is a known reality, and it has become further exacerbated due to climate change. It is evident from intense and shifting weather conditions prompting heavy rains, floods, prolonged droughts, etc

Hunger is still one the biggest – and most solvable – problems in the world. Today, 1 in 9 people worldwide will go to bed on an empty stomach. But your gift means that one less child will be at risk of starvation tonight.

There are over 150 million children worldwide that have experienced the loss of their parents, and the numbers are only rising. Innocent orphans everywhere are vulnerable to poverty, hunger, disease and exploitation – like losing a parent isn’t hard enough!

When we empower a woman, she is better able to support her family, give her children a good education, and break the cycle of poverty. They may be denied inheritance rights to the piece of land that they relied on for a livelihood.

Many physically disabled persons don’t have the resources to buy a wheelchair that is appropriate for their needs but needy people in developing countries also deserve the dignity of being able to move freely around their homes and community.

At FRDP International, we are dedicated to creating sustainable livelihood opportunities that empower individuals and communities to break free from the shackles of poverty. With a focus on long-term solutions and community-driven initiatives, we strive to provide the necessary tools, resources, and support for individuals to transform their lives and build a brighter future.

At FRDP International, we believe that education is a fundamental right and a powerful tool for empowering individuals and transforming communities. We recognise the critical importance of providing quality education to children, as it unlocks their potential, nurtures their talents, and enables them to build a brighter future.

Children’s status in Pakistan reflects a mixed landscape. Progress is visible in education and healthcare, yet challenges persist.

In Pakistan, food security and livelihood (FSL) challenges persist due to factors like population growth, climate change, and unequal resource distribution. Around 18.3% suffer undernourishment, with 38.4% child stunting.

Rural Pakistan grapples with critical housing issues, particularly among vulnerable communities. According to UNDP, around 63% of rural dwellers reside in substandard housing without essential amenities, deepening inequalities.

Pakistan faces a high susceptibility to various disasters due to its geography and climate. Over the past two decades, more than 150 million people have been affected by disasters, with economic losses exceeding $20 billion.

The global landscape is undergoing rapid transformation, with challenges becoming increasingly intricate. The evolution of the international development sphere has been evident over the years.