Child Protection And Safeguarding Of Vulnerbale

Child Protection
And Safeguarding Of Vulnerbale

Situation Analysis

Children’s status in Pakistan reflects a mixed landscape. Progress is visible in education and healthcare, yet challenges persist. Child mortality remains high, with an under-five mortality rate of 69 per 1,000 births. Malnutrition affects 44% of children under five, hindering development. While primary school enrolment is at 89%, quality education lags, impacting learning outcomes. Child labour involves 12.5% of children, often exposed to exploitation. Girls face barriers, with 32% not attending school.

FRDP’s Response

In partnership with other charities and NGOs, we are implementing different projects to protect vulnerable children.

  1. Orphan Support
  2. Education for Afghan Refugee Children
  3. Temporary Learning Centres
  4. Festival Blessings and Nourishment
  5. Supporting Widows
  6. Empowering Persons with Disability

Orphan Support

Our focus lies in bolstering vulnerable orphan children in Sindh, a region of unique challenges. Our tailored software, accessible to donors, allows real-time tracking of sponsored children’s progress. Linked to an offline-ready Android app, our field workers gather family data seamlessly, updating the system online. Our orphan sponsorship initiative offers comprehensive educational, healthcare, and nutritional assistance.

Empowering Persons with Disability

FRDP has been providing mobility support to persons with disabilities in rural areas of Pakistan. Usually, these people remain unattended because of rural-urban divide. Our access in multiple communities help us identify and serve these people

Temporary Learning Centres

In times of calamity like floods, we swiftly erect Temporary Learning Centres, ensuring continued education when schools close.

Festival Blessings and Nourishment

Our commitment extends to infants’ post-disaster health with nutrition packs. Annually, we bring smiles with Eid gifts encompassing toys, clothing, and shoes, fostering joy and well-being.

Supporting Widows

We aid widows in establishing income-generating ventures. This involves launching small grocery stores, offering vocational training, tools, and expanding existing clothing businesses.

Education for Afghan Refugee Children

We extend educational lifelines to Afghan refugee children in Nowshera, KPK, through a dedicated school.