Hunger is still one the biggest – and most solvable – problems in the world. Today, 1 in 9 people worldwide will go to bed on an empty stomach. But your gift means that one less child will be at risk of starvation tonight.
He is not a believer who fills his stomach while his neighbour goes hungry.
[Hadith – Bukhari]
Feed The Starving
For many years, we are continuously working with an essential objective to feed the poor and hungry vulnerable people in Tharparkar, Pakistan.
Tharparkar is said to be one of the most drought struck and dangerous regions of the country in terms of people’s survival. Every year, hundreds of people die in the area owing to food insecurity, water scarcity, malnutrition and unavailability of proper healthcare. Poverty is one of the most significant factors affecting the lives of the people in Tharparkar. The situation in this remote area is worsening all the time.

821 million people will go to bed hungry tonight.
149 million children are stunted from lack of food.
66 million children go to school hungry every day.
49 million children suffer from wasting
3.1 million children die each year from malnutrition.
Food Pack
feed an entire family for a fortnight
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Food Pack
feed an entire family for a Month
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Two Months
Food Pack
feed an entire family for two Months
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We need to do much more to help our brothers and sisters and are therefore planning to increase our work to distribute hygienic, nutritious, and healthy food packs. These food packs qualify as Sadaqah or Zakat.
The situation is also most alarming in Africa, as the region has the highest rates of hunger in the world and which are steadily rising. In Eastern Africa in particular, close to a third of the population is undernourished. East Africa is currently experiencing the worst drought to hit the region in 60 years.
Poverty remains one of the most significant causes of hunger in Africa. More than half of all Africans live below the poverty line and more than three quarters reside in rural areas. It’s very simple – if we don’t act now, starving children in Africa will die. Drought, poverty and conflict have impacted every aspect of their lives.
Whether you decide to make a one-off donation or set up a monthly gift, you can change a life forever today. Often, one meal at the right time will be enough to make a difference between life and death.