Fidyah and Kaffarah


Fulfilling your Fidyah and Kaffarah obligations for missed and broken fasts in Ramadan. Let us simplify these concepts for you, ensuring that you fulfil your responsibilities in good time.

Demystifying Kaffarah

If you intentionally break or miss a fast during Ramadan without a valid reason, you must consecutively fast for 60 days as expiation (Kaffarah). Should you fail to complete these 60 consecutive fasts due to physical inability, you are required to make a Kaffarah payment.

The Kaffarah donation is £300 (whether it be one broken fast or more) and provides two nourishing meals to 60 individuals in need. We recommend a contribution of £5 per meal, ensuring that the recipients are cared for with the same quality we would provide ourselves.

To fulfil your Kaffarah obligation, make your payment as soon as possible after missing or breaking a fast without a valid reason.

Understanding Fidyah

If you are elderly or suffer from an illness preventing you from fasting during Ramadan, you are not obligated to fast. Instead, you have the responsibility to provide two meals a day to someone in need throughout Ramadan. This contribution is known as Fidyah.

To simplify the process, we recommend a contribution of £5 per day, totalling £150 for the full month of Ramadan. With this amount, you can rest assured that you are providing two high-quality meals that meet our own standards.

Timing your Fidyah payment is crucial. Ensure you make the contribution before you start missing your fasts. If you anticipate being physically unable to fast during Ramadan, we encourage you to make your Fidyah donation as soon as possilbe.

Are Fidyah and Kaffarah Obligatory?

Fasting during Ramadan is obligatory for all adult Muslims. However, if you are exempt from fasting due to sickness or old age, Fidyah becomes obligatory if you have the means to fulfil it.

Similarly, missing or breaking a fast without a valid reason is a serious matter. If you are unable to complete the required 60 consecutive fasts, fulfilling the Kaffarah becomes obligatory.

Beneficiaries of Your Fidyah and Kaffarah

Rest assured that your Fidyah and Kaffarah donations reach those who are truly deserving—the poor and needy. Our dedicated teams will distribute your contributions to individuals who cannot afford sahur and iftar during Ramadan.

Join FRDP in Fulfilling Your Obligations

Let FRDP be your trusted partner in fulfilling your Fidyah and Kaffarah obligations this Ramadan. With our streamlined process, you can easily contribute and make a positive impact in the lives of those in need.