Give your Zakat before Eid prayers to spread joy and celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr and the end of Ramadan.

Pay £4 per person in your household to fulfill your religious duty. Your £4 donation will make someone in need have a happier Eid with good food and new clothes.


Fitrana, also known as Zakat ul Fitr, is a form of charity paid by Muslims at the end of Ramadan.

It helps poor Muslims join Eid celebrations, as it is important for all Muslims to participate.

Fitrana became obligatory in the second year of Hijrah, the same year Ramadan was made obligatory. This shows their equal importance.

Every Muslim who can afford it should pay Fitrana before Eid al-Fitr. Adults should pay for themselves and any children or others in their care who can’t pay themselves.

At FRDP, Fitrana is used to provide food among the poor, so everyone can enjoy Eid-ul-Fitr.

How much is Fitrana for 2024?

Fitrana can be paid anytime during Ramadan, but it must be paid before Eid. In the UK, Eid is expected to be on April 9, 2024. Make sure to pay before Eid so your donation can reach those in need.

The head of the household can pay on behalf of other family members. It’s also a way to cleanse ourselves after Ramadan.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) ordained that Zakat ul Fitr purifies fasting individuals from indecent actions and provides food for the needy. It counts as Zakah if given before Eid prayer, but as Sadaqah if given after.

Differences between Zakat and Zakat ul Fitr

The main differences between Zakat and Zakat ul Fitr are eligibility, amount, and due dates. Zakat ul Fitr is obligatory for all Muslims regardless of their financial status, while Zakat has specific eligibility criteria. The amount for Zakat ul Fitr is fixed at £4 per person, whereas Zakat amount varies based on savings. Zakat ul Fitr must be paid before Eid prayer during Ramadan, while Zakat can be paid at any time but requires a year’s worth of net savings.

The beneficiaries of Zakat al Fitr, or Fitrana

  1. Poor families
  2. Needy individuals
  3. Orphans and widows
  4. Refugees and displaced persons
  5. Elderly and disabled individuals
  6. Prisoners and their families
  7. New Muslims and converts

This charity ensures that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can partake in the joyous festivities of Eid-ul-Fitr with dignity and support.

Join FRDP in Fulfilling Your Obligations

Let FRDP be your trusted partner in fulfilling your Fidyah and Kaffarah obligations this Ramadan. With our streamlined process, you can easily contribute and make a positive impact in the lives of those in need.