The Story of Little Kausar

When Little Kausar was just seven days old, she went through a serious episode of meningitis that left her paralyzed from waist down. Since her birth, she doesn’t know what it’s like to walk, she has never walked. Her father told the FRDP International Team on the ground that he took her to major cities around the country in Pakistan and even found some good medical help where doctors said they can help in improving Kausar’s condition.

However, he couldn’t get her treated since the cost of treatment was extremely high and he just couldn’t afford it. He then said, this is what his heart wants now: he wants to see Kausar walk again, he wants her to be treated.

Chances of Kausar walking again are slim, realizing that dream is a challenge that cannot be won. But, at FRDP International we brought them the gift of mobility, we brought a wheelchair for Little Kausar. When we asked her father about the wheelchair and how would it help, he said he couldn’t even imagine having one for her daughter.

Now, it will be convenient for him to take out her daughter for a stroll. A dream fulfilled.

Small for us, big for them…