Wheelchair distribution in Thar

Inclusion is the only way to provide opportunities and equal access to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). One in eight people in the world today are aged 60 or older, and 15 per cent of the world’s population live with a disability.

At FRDP International, through our ‘Enabling the Differently Abled’ initiative we aim to bring a change into the lives of those struggling with mobility, inclusion and equal opportunities to learning and development. Apart from supporting the elderly and the adults, the program focuses on Children with Disabilities (CWDs), especially those from vulnerable and marginalized segments of the society/low-income households, FRDP International aims to bring ease, mobility and development opportunities face the issue of lack of assistive devices and accessibility (e.g. – friendly infrastructures). The organization, with the support of its donors and implementing partners would provide assistive devices to persons with disabilities and also works with institutions to improve and advocate for accessibility.

In this regard, FRDP International has initiated distribution in Sindh, Pakistan. Approximately 30 wheelchairs are in the process to be distributed, while an assessment for a further 100 beneficiaries is in progress to improve mobility for those struggling with a physical disability.